Deal Closed. Human Capital Aligned?

Unlock faster M&A EBITDA growth with our guaranteed team performance system.

How solid is your value creation plan for your most impactful resource - the people acquired?

We’ve got you covered.

Post deal, rapid people integration and alignment throughout the enterprise is often sadly neglected—we suspect this oversight is a major reason for fund underperformance, and a lot of unnecessary struggle.

A system to grow people and teams in a quantifiable way represents an incredible opportunity for PE firms to grow portco EBITDA faster.

CopperTeams Team Training and Software System reliably transforms average & dysfunctional teams into exceptional teams.

And if we don’t, you don’t pay.

Finally, how would you like to know which teams in your portcos are at risk of quitting, underperforming or failing BEFORE it happens? We built TeamScape™ to give you this power and insight…in just 90 seconds.

To deliver, Private Equity needs a new talent strategy.
— Harvard Business Review
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“We’re deploying the Ct system for leadership teams of all our portcos.”

Partner -
US Based VC

Sample Portrait


  • Yes. In 2 weeks. Unobtrusively for the target.

    Here’s a sample of 10 people dynamics we can show you to much better inform your acquisition, value creation, and integration strategies;

    1. Effectiveness by department, ie. Sales weak, Finance strong

    2. Execution skill level – measure of productivity

    3. Senior leadership cohesiveness, skill and effectiveness

    4. Performance culture?

    5. Target’s current level of planning sophistication

    6. Key team effectiveness

    7. Key skill or experience gaps

    8. Burnout level

    9. Engagement level

    10. Latent growth acceleration potential (alignment, purpose, skills)

  • At the simplest level our system creates clarity, then rapidly aligns, engages, and upskills all of the people you’ve acquired.

    These teams will now start delivering many months faster on your value creation plan.

    People drive EBITDA growth.

    We invite you to support their success with the CopperTeams system.

  • Step 1 - engage us early in due diligence so we can quantify your target’s people risks and opportunities

    Step 2 - the best value creation plans include robust human capital integration plans that go into effect on Day 1. People are going to do the work. The question is how effectively?

    Use the people insights we’ve provided you in due diligence to craft your human capital integration plan. If you’d like support or to learn best practices for this, give us a call.

    Step 3 - deploy TeamScape into the target so that you and management have full visibility into the effectiveness of all portco teams, updated monthly.

    Management can now triage teams needing support BEFORE they quit, underperform, or fail.

    Step 4 - deploy CopperTeams team training and software system to the target’s senior management at minimum and, most impactfully, to every team in the target for the first year post acquisition.

Our 5-Step Process ⇨

  • Measure icon


    No more guessing.

    • Research backed team profile

    • 17-min team assessment + debrief with Ct Leader

    • 100% anonymous

    • Oh… and this one’s on the House (no cost)

  • Training icon


    Train only what team needs. No wasted time or resources.

    • 2 hrs/month team training in Ct Forum™

    • Distilled Action Training™ (DAT)

    • It Sticks.

  • Support icon


    We work with you.

    • Ct trainers and coaches engage in your MS Teams, Slack, G-Suite between Ct Forums™

    • Expect us to nudge, celebrate and assist

  • Tracking icon


    We make it easy to see growth.

    • Ct tools make complex team dynamics VISIBLE and CLEAR

    • Measurable team progress

    • Quarterly Ct Team Assessment™

  • Maintenance icon


    You’ve made it to the top. The Ct system keeps you there.

    • Low-cost monthly subscription to Ct team training and software system

    • Unlimited access to all Ct tools for your teams

Your Challenges. Our Solutions. +

  • HYPOTHESIS: PE Needs a New Talent Strategy. HBR article

    Ct team training and software system. Assess-Train-Track-Maintain

    • TeamScape™

    • DAT™ Distilled Action Training

    • House of Copper™ visual team dashboard

    • Leader Gap™

    We’re not delusional–there are several accepted major factors in M&A success.

    We’re just saying that rapid people integration is definitely one of them—and is most often neglected.

    Did you know? 66% of M&A deals destroyed shareholder value. Research note

  • SOLUTION: Ct team training and software system. Assess-Train-Track-Maintain

    • Ct Assessment - team dynamics, now VISIBLE

    • Leader Gap™ report

    • DAT™ - Distilled Action Training, that sticks

    • House of Copper™ team dashboard

    • TeamScape™ - rapid triage for ALL your teams

    Did you know? 75% of teams are dysfunctional? Harvard Research

  • DAT™ - Distilled Action Training…sticks. Learn the skill essence. Practice at work. For long enough. With a guide. Measure. Refine. Kaizen. Thrive.

  • SOLUTION: TeamScape™ visualization for enterprise. Triage all your company’s teams in 90 seconds. So you know WHERE to direct precious L&D support BEFORE they quit, fail or underperform

  • SOLUTION: House of Copper™ visual team dashboard integrated into Teams, Slack or G-Suite. Instant VISIBILITY.

  • SOLUTION: Ct team training and software system. Assess-Train-Track-Maintain

    • Ct Assessment™ - team dynamics, now VISIBLE

    • DAT™ - Distilled Action Training, that sticks

    • House of Copper™ team dashboard

    • TeamScape™ - rapid triage for ALL your teams

    • Leader Gap™ report

  • SOLUTION: CopperTeams

    • Meetings that energize

    • Clarity that aligns

    • Feeling heard, seen, honoured

    • Growing skills and impact

    • Knowing purpose of your work

    • Upgrading all your relationships

    • Sending ripples of love into humanity (yes, in business)

  • We all have an ego. But you are not your ego. And ego so often gets in the way of human connection and performance.

    SOLUTION: In Ct team training, we’re going to get into this and invite you on a journey from ego to self.  We can evolve, together.

Like simple?
That’s how we roll.

A training subscription that includes everything.

$/team member/month

*Cancel anytime

Want the 20% performance improvement guarantee

Train with us for 12 months.

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  1. Pay your first month’s training subscription via Stripe

  2. Meet your team trainer

  3. Schedule launch workshop & Ct Training Forums

  4. 1on1 discovery zoom calls with your Ct Trainer

  5. Launch workshop!

  6. Ct Forum™ 2 hrs/month


It’s time to start

Ready to Grow Your Team?